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V-SERIES Cutting-edge Handpieces

Flexibility & Clinical Superiority a Winning Duo


The V-ST handpiece is indicated for skin tightening and lifting effect with unique Channeling Optimized RF Energy Technology (CORE™).

Available for: V10 | V20 | V30

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The V-FORM handpiece’s Multi-CORE™ Technology and an integrated monitoring system provide enhanced accuracy and safety for body contouring, cellulite reduction and the unique of ReFit and ReLift protocols.

Available for: V10 | V20 | V30

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The V-FR handpiece is indicated for skin resurfacing and skin rejuvenation procedures, including skin texture & tone and acne scar clearance. It capitalizes on the innovative patented SVC™ technology with Switching, Vacuum and Cooling mechanisms.

Available for: V10 | V20 | V30

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V-VR is the only non-invasive device that combines the use of two advanced technologies (Co-Polar™ and CORE™), along with a thoroughly designed handpiece, to precisely deliver RF energy – gently and safely heating vaginal tissue to address a wide range of women’s vaginal health concerns such as urinary incontinence, vaginal laxity & painful intercourse.

Available for: V10 | V20 | V30

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The V-IPL handpiece is designed for pigmentation and vascular lesions, hair removal, skin rejuvenation, and acne clearance. The V-IPL is powered by PCR™ technology which generates various pulse configurations and provides adjustable pulse duration, ensuring that every skin type and condition can be treated.

Available for: V20 | V30

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The V-Nd: YAG handpiece is based on long-pulse 1064 nm laser, indicated for vascular lesions, nail fungi, skin rejuvenation and dark skin hair removal. Based on PulseConfiguRythm™ (PCR) Technology, the V-Nd: YAG incorporates various pulse configurations and provides adjustable pulse duration.

Available for: V30

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The EU-approved intended use is V-ST: Skin tightening | V-FORM: Temporarily reduction of cellulite and Body contouring via temporary circumferences reduction | V-FR: ablation and resurfacing of the skin | V-VR: electrocoagulation of soft tissues for treating vulvovaginal laxity. The vulva area is referred to as the labia major | V-IPL: Hair reduction, skin rejuvenation treatment of superficial small vascular and pigmented lesions and treatment of mild to moderate inflammatory acne| V-Nd: YAG hair reduction, treatment of vascular lesions and treatment of onychomycosis.