Innovative Switching, Vacuum, and Cooling features enable unparalleled control over penetration depth

Unique SVC™ technology allows you to get the desired biological response

V-SERIES exclusive SVC™ technology sets the standard for the second generation of fractional RF. Innovative Switching, Vacuum, and Cooling features enable unparalleled control over penetration depth. This allows precise customization of treatments, offering a clinical advantage with the flexibility to choose ablative or coagulative solutions based on individual patient needs.

  • Vacuum intensity of 350 mBar
  • Ensures proper coupling and eliminates “bad coupling”
  • Minimum risk of epidermal injuries (no burns)
  • Safer and more accurate treatment
  • Significant reduction of Pain (discomfort sensation) per “Gate Theory”
  • More equal, consistent and symmetrical injury points

Multi-CORE™ Technology

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The EU-approved intended use is V-ST: Skin tightening | V-FORM: Temporarily reduction of cellulite and Body contouring via temporary circumferences reduction | V-FR: ablation and resurfacing of the skin | V-VR: electrocoagulation of soft tissues for treating vulvovaginal laxity. The vulva area is referred to as the labia major | V-IPL: Hair reduction, skin rejuvenation treatment of superficial small vascular and pigmented lesions and treatment of mild to moderate inflammatory acne| V-Nd: YAG hair reduction, treatment of vascular lesions and treatment of onychomycosis.